Saturday, January 31, 2009

The 6 Miler


So today I just ran my first 6 mile run, which happens to be my longest run too.

I think I went into this run with a bad mind set. It was a high of 37 F and windy and on top of that I was already sore from previous runs. One other thing is I didn't have my best friend, Tommy, to run with since I am in North Carolina at a Quarter Horse show. We always have a good conversation during our runs and it helps pass the time.

Where I ran was a nice route, it was just down the highway from where I'm staying in Williamston. For the most part it was a flat and easy run. The first 3 miles were rough, but I finally got all my kinks out and I actually picked up my pace for the last 3 miles.

I finished that run in 1hr 26sec, to be honest that is better then I thought I would have. And now I can not wait to do it again, but I will because I'm sore.

Oh and I am going to put a chart showing my runs in the next couple of days, peace out!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Hello Hello

I guess this is my first real blog. Today started out like every normal day; well except I didn't have to work today, which was nice. I woke up feeling nice and sore, something that I have grown to get use to, from running just about every day. I just started running about 3 or 4 weeks ago with my best friend Tommy and his fiance Rachel. Running has been a great activity to do together, we all hang out before, during, and after the run. It also keeps us in shape or in my case is getting me in shape. 4.55 miles is the longest I have ran so far, tomorrow I am going for 6 miles, I'll tell you how that goes tomorrow. What I have found during my run is that the first mile or two is the roughest, anything after that my legs get warmed up and I can stretch them out better. So I believe if I can make it through that first 3 miles tomorrow on my 6 miler fine, the rest should be a little easier.

After our run today I had to rush home and get changed to go to Williamston, NC for one of my sister's horse shows and award dinner. Being only a 2 1/2 hr drive I thought it would go quick, but, that wasn't the case. That 2 1/2 hr drive turned into be what seemed like a 4hr drive. So the reason for that was getting into a car after a little 3 mile run and just being sore and tight. My legs felt restless and sore the whole trip. I don't think I have ever been happer to be somewhere my whole life or that I can remember, so I probably have, who knows.

Well I'm outta here, gotta rest up for my 6 mile run tomorrow!!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Fisrt Time

This is my first blog, so I'll keep it short because it's late and I'm traveling to North Carolina tomorrow for a horse show, Wowzaa!!